Tuesday, 10 January 2012

This day 12 months ago....

I started me chemo in the south infirmary. Cant believe 12 months have passed. But Im so happy to be on the healthy side of all this and to top it I weighed myself this morning and Im done 5lb brilliant. I haven't been very strict with the eating but have started making healthier choices and walking every evening with greg.
We got a wake up call last wkend when gregs uncle passed away aged 49 of heart attack fine healthy man no previous complaints. So we both decided thats it now we need to get fit and healthy if we want to stay alive. I know being over weight wont help me in my fight with cancer and greg has 3 other uncles who have all had heart attacks the youngest being 43 so no more excuses for us.
I find it hard to walk as Ive put on so much weight again and my back is acting up of late(had a disc removed in 2010) so it slows me down on the hills but once im out on the roads everyday thats what matters Im not looking to win any marathons or anything.


  1. I've started doing some walking for exercise last year. I do about 20--30mins brisk walking around our local playing fields after I've dropped the grandchildren off at school in the mornings. Along with losing some weight through healthy eating (I'm not following a slimming diet), I feel much better , fitter and healthier. My back and joints are so much better. Keep up the good work, Helen xx

  2. Hi honey, I have awarded you a Liebster Blog Award. Please link to my blog page for details
