Sunday, 22 January 2012

Easy like Sunday morning.....

Tis a nice sunny day here today. Greg watching movie Im contemplating going for a walk. Wk has been great lovely few days away for my birthday in druids glen and lovely days out in the wicklow mountains... big change from last year !! Only bad thing is my diet hasnt been great since thurs seem to have let myself go a bit but have kept up the walking everyday so happy with that!So gonna let myself enjoy today now (not over doing it do) and kick ass again tomorrow.
Ive decided to make a list of things I want to complete this wk(making phone calls ive been putting off..clearing out rooms..making my vision board) to name a few. Start as I mean to go on is my new motto no more putting shit off where possible.
Started volunteering during the wk in a charity only 3 hrs but loved it and it felt good. I felt I was doing good not just for me but making a im not doing much there just a few emails and stuff but just the feeling of doing something you dont HAVE to do is great (i.e daily work routine) but want to do. You begin to realize how a cancer diagnosis not just affects us physically but the mental/emotional affect is so big. The mundane things in life just dont cut it and I hope this feeling never leaves me cos its like a wake up call to life and how we all should be enjoying the here and now and the blessing we have not what we think we should have cos others have it etc...
Anyway im off to enjoy my day so should you x x
Oh today is national hug day so heres a nice big hug to ye all x x

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

This day 12 months ago....

I started me chemo in the south infirmary. Cant believe 12 months have passed. But Im so happy to be on the healthy side of all this and to top it I weighed myself this morning and Im done 5lb brilliant. I haven't been very strict with the eating but have started making healthier choices and walking every evening with greg.
We got a wake up call last wkend when gregs uncle passed away aged 49 of heart attack fine healthy man no previous complaints. So we both decided thats it now we need to get fit and healthy if we want to stay alive. I know being over weight wont help me in my fight with cancer and greg has 3 other uncles who have all had heart attacks the youngest being 43 so no more excuses for us.
I find it hard to walk as Ive put on so much weight again and my back is acting up of late(had a disc removed in 2010) so it slows me down on the hills but once im out on the roads everyday thats what matters Im not looking to win any marathons or anything.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Diet was going great until......

Ya I lost control today ha ha, while I was cleaning and tidying away Christmas decs I found a lovely box of cadburys biscuits OMG...They were yummy do...but I must admit I have since put them put to my dads room so I wont eat anymore...I have been very good all week now so dont want to ruin it all together. AND its a Friday night and we didnt have take out woohoo proud of myself...need to last for rest of wkend now too. But have walked 2.5km every night this wk except tonight as I had the hospital today just a check up with radiologist and she was very happy with me and will see me again in 4 months so that gave me a little boost too. Even considered going back to work...that didnt last long do lmao. NO I know I will have to start thinking about it soon but whenthe time is right!!!
Booked 2 nights in Druids Glen Co Wicklow for my birthday. Cant wait now my birthday is the 16th I'll be 38 so decided I wont be waiting for my 40th to celebrate its party every birthday for me from now on.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Not a bad day diet wise

Took me a while to drag my arse out of bed this morning but once I did I started off with organic porridge and wholemeal brown bread with herbal tea. Then took missy for a 20 min brisk walk. Kept myself busy this afternoon then by doing some washing and watching movies as I get tired easily still so had to rest up a bit. Dinner was fish and baked pop. I know its alot of carbs in one day but while Im whining myself off the chocolate and sweet stuff I'll keep the carbs to help me stay full. Next week I'll make a start on increasing my protein and reducing my carbs. Had small walk this evening with greg should have been a long walk but got a phone call from garage to collect my car. But happy with the way its going so far....onwards and upwards!!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Happy new year to all x

Well tis the 3rd of Jan already time flies after the holiday season...Today I started my healthy eating and exercise no more excuses. I know I need to do this for my health and future life..Im 3 stone heavier than this time last year and I know Ive had a tough year and am on medication but we do use these things as excuses too don't we(well I do)so im gonna try and blog as I go now maybe not everyday but most ur support is welcomed!!!
UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE SPRAWL.........................